Business Policies and Rules are peer entities which can be derived and used together to implement Business Policy Directives. 业务策略和规则是对等实体,它们可以一起派生和用来实现业务策略指令。
A formal language used by peer entities to exchange information. 为交换信息由对等实体使用的一种形式语言。
Peer to peer trust model is used in the authorization system, and the trust relationship among entities in grid environment is assessed with trust degree. 系统采用平等信任模型,通过信任度评估网格实体之间的信任关系。
Data Envelopment Analysis is a relatively new "data oriented" approach for evaluating the performance of a set of peer entities called Decision Making Units which convert multiple inputs into multiple outputs. 数据包络分析是一种用来度量多投入多产出决策单元相对效率的面向数据的新方法。